4 Secrets to Building Your Personal Brand

 When I think about where I was in June of 2019, it's like a scene out of a romantic comedy. Except there was no romance and very little comedy; actually there was irony, which for me was funny. It was ironic because just about a month and a half prior, I'd been released from a corporate environment that I can only describe as being a "Trump l...
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  3261 Hits

Fear not the critic

Tolerance is one of our national watchwords but it doesn't mean you should tolerate intolerable situations. Maybe you hate your job, maybe you want to write a book, or be in a relationship. What's stopping you from doing something about it? Well, if you're afraid of getting criticised, don't. Everybody gets criticised. Martin Luther King, Mandela, ...
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  2022 Hits

Trini drivers! Make your choice!

No question traffic, is a major aggravator in TnT, and dealing with it plus pot-holes and floods has many of us on edge. Just the slightest thing can result in road rage.  One day, heading North on the Uriah Butler, I was stuck behind a slow driver in the middle lane, but the right lane was slowly but steadily moving faster. I wanted to s...
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  2444 Hits

Who wants more responsibility?

Who wants more responsibility? Are you raising your hand? My guess is that most people won't.  Why is that?  Well because we've come to associate responsibility with a lot of work with no reward. When we think of responsibility we also think of the person who is going to get blamed when things go wrong, and it's interesting that we'r...
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  1855 Hits

What it means to be respectful

 We talk a lot about respect, and at a personal level you probably know what it's like to feel disrespected, but have you ever wondered about what it means to give respect?  There are two parts to respect: The first is to admire someone for their abilities or achievements, but that's the easy part. It's easy to respect someone famous for ...
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  1417 Hits

Success Insights – Success is Simple when you Understand

It is amazing how frequently we escalate situations rather than accommodate people to help them resolve the challenges they are facing. Often what starts off as a fairly simple matter can be completely blown out of proportion when the persons involved and sometimes the potentially helpful observers do not quickly grasp the substance of the problem....
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  1290 Hits

It’s Simple – Do What’s Good For You

I was chatting with a friend recently and we were reflecting on how easy it is to feel good.When we eat the foods we know our bodies need, get enough sleep, spend quality time with the people we love, do the things that make you feel alive you feel whole, balanced and joyful.It's simple, yet the way we live our lives makes it seem unattainable unle...
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  1712 Hits

Success Insight - Think about it!

I once heard that if you took all the money in the world, from the rich and the poor and divided it up equally among all the people in the world, that within a year, the money will go right back into the hands of those who had it in the first place. In other words, the wealthy will regain their wealth, and the poor, sadly will revert to poverty. So...
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  1217 Hits

What Coaching really is

Isn't it interesting that perhaps one of the most powerful processes in the world is so often misunderstood and misrepresented? Often what is provided as coaching is the furthest thing from it. Many persons who run businesses think that their people are "broken", and they need someone, a coach, to come in and "fix' them. Nothing could be further fr...
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  1240 Hits

How a calculator can help you solve for stress and low productivity

How often do you apologize for being pre-occupied, reacting inappropriately, or being unnecessarily harsh with someone? How often do you notice yourself stressing? Would you prefer to be more peaceful and productive? Surprisingly, an ordinary everyday calculator provides a useful analogy for what's causing your stress, as well as what you can do to...
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  1282 Hits

The one thing to manage when the going gets tough

Throughout history, people have overcome incredible hardship and overwhelming odds. Churchill, Gandhi, Luther King, Mandela, and Malala come easily to mind. It's easy to attribute their success to something rare and superior to the rest of us, but that would be a mistake. You can prevail as well, but only if you manage this one thing:  Your mo...
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  1199 Hits

Do you give confronting feedback?

Recently my girlfriend gave me feedback on my writing, and it didn't go well. Just about everything that we knew about what to do, or not do when giving feedback went wrong, and I felt personally attacked. Funny thing is that we are both trained and experienced in giving and receiving feedback. But it went wrong anyway. Only days before, she recoun...
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  1416 Hits

NewFire is a don't miss

Driving into the beautiful Ortinola estate, nestled in the Marcas Valley is like going into a different world. For three days, attendees of the New Fire Festival definitely had the chance to be part of a different very cool festival experience. With a line up of some of Trinidad's best and up and coming music acts; enlightening workshops that range...
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  1346 Hits