How to cope if your party lost

 If your party lost, then very likely you're deeply disappointed or worse. To help make the disappointment easier to live with, here are some tips to help you cope and keep us all moving forward even with a Government you didn't vote for. Be Grateful   Take some distance from what just occurred and be grateful that we live in a ...
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  14445 Hits

Congratulations to our Solera Lime Hamper Winner

​We are pleased to announce the winner of our Solera sponsored Ole Year's Lime Starter Hamper: Rosemarie Ragoo-Maraj, a school teacher from Central Trinidad.  Rosemarie collected her prize today at Solera's Rust Street location in Port-of-Spain. Solera's Supervisor Mr. Dale Garroway, and acting Supervisor Cathy Thompson (in picture) were ...
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  5319 Hits
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Fear not the critic

Tolerance is one of our national watchwords but it doesn't mean you should tolerate intolerable situations. Maybe you hate your job, maybe you want to write a book, or be in a relationship. What's stopping you from doing something about it? Well, if you're afraid of getting criticised, don't. Everybody gets criticised. Martin Luther King, Mandela, ...
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  2022 Hits

Trini drivers! Make your choice!

No question traffic, is a major aggravator in TnT, and dealing with it plus pot-holes and floods has many of us on edge. Just the slightest thing can result in road rage.  One day, heading North on the Uriah Butler, I was stuck behind a slow driver in the middle lane, but the right lane was slowly but steadily moving faster. I wanted to s...
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  2444 Hits

What it means to be respectful

 We talk a lot about respect, and at a personal level you probably know what it's like to feel disrespected, but have you ever wondered about what it means to give respect?  There are two parts to respect: The first is to admire someone for their abilities or achievements, but that's the easy part. It's easy to respect someone famous for ...
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  1417 Hits

Make Trinidad & Tobago Great ...

Let's Make TnT great again. You know where I got that from. But if you listen to the old folks there is a feeling that we've lost something. There was a time when we felt safe in our homes, when we respected our elders, our teachers, and we had a freedom here that we missed when we lived away. Not so much now. Today, where we go, when we go, even i...
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  1550 Hits