Peter Anthony is a Trini.  He's lived outside for many years but remains deeply connected to TnT.  His mission is help people realize that our search for meaning and happiness begins and ends with deepening our connection to each other and this amazing planet we call home.

While he often reposts from his own blog, he also writes here about relevant specific topics to Trinidad and Tobago.

How a calculator can help you solve for stress and low productivity

How often do you apologize for being pre-occupied, reacting inappropriately, or being unnecessarily harsh with someone? How often do you notice yourself stressing? Would you prefer to be more peaceful and productive? Surprisingly, an ordinary everyday calculator provides a useful analogy for what's causing your stress, as well as what you can do to...
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  1284 Hits

The one thing to manage when the going gets tough

Throughout history, people have overcome incredible hardship and overwhelming odds. Churchill, Gandhi, Luther King, Mandela, and Malala come easily to mind. It's easy to attribute their success to something rare and superior to the rest of us, but that would be a mistake. You can prevail as well, but only if you manage this one thing:  Your mo...
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  1201 Hits

Do you give confronting feedback?

Recently my girlfriend gave me feedback on my writing, and it didn't go well. Just about everything that we knew about what to do, or not do when giving feedback went wrong, and I felt personally attacked. Funny thing is that we are both trained and experienced in giving and receiving feedback. But it went wrong anyway. Only days before, she recoun...
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  1418 Hits