4 Secrets to Building Your Personal Brand

 When I think about where I was in June of 2019, it's like a scene out of a romantic comedy. Except there was no romance and very little comedy; actually there was irony, which for me was funny. It was ironic because just about a month and a half prior, I'd been released from a corporate environment that I can only describe as being a "Trump l...
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  3261 Hits

Pushing through to the next level of Growth

I can't tell you how excited I was to be facilitating a leadership mastermind with a group of highly intelligent and dynamic business owners and leaders. We were learning, growing and sharing insights on one of the most powerful of John Maxwell's many powerful programs, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The Mastermind concept gave us the oppor...
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  1551 Hits

Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 5

Continuing from our last article, today we will discuss the last 3 Business Accounting, Tax and Legal tips for any small business which may be used when getting your business finances in a gear during the year: Business Structure - Proper Records. It is important to keep a proper record of all your business activities. If you are an on-the-go entre...
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  6228 Hits

Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 4

Continuing from our last article, today we will discuss another 4 Business Accounting, Tax and Legal tips for any small business which may be used when getting your business finances in a gear during the year: Pension or Annuity Plan. Most entrepreneurs, I speak with are not even aware of the importance of having a Pension or Annuity Plan, as a sma...
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  1554 Hits

Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 3

Continuing from our last article, today we will discuss another 4 Business Accounting, Tax and Legal tips for any small business which may be used when getting your business finances in a gear during the year: The home office dimension. As an Entrepreneur, it may be difficult at times to get your own space, as discussed in last week's post. It may ...
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  1480 Hits

Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 2

Continuing from our last article, today we will discuss another 4 Business Accounting, Tax and Legal tips for any small business, which may be used when getting your business finances in a gear during the year: Vehicle and Travel Expenses. Most likely you are using your family vehicle as your mode of transport to and from your clients when you have...
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  1799 Hits

Accounting Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 1

Unless you're an accountant, the word "accounting" probably strikes fear in your heart -- or a little bit of nervousness, at least. For young entrepreneurs, the feeling is probably amplified. After all, poor bookkeeping out the gate will not only set a project back in the short term but it can really come back to bite you in the long haul. Even you...
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  1584 Hits

Success Insight - Think about it!

I once heard that if you took all the money in the world, from the rich and the poor and divided it up equally among all the people in the world, that within a year, the money will go right back into the hands of those who had it in the first place. In other words, the wealthy will regain their wealth, and the poor, sadly will revert to poverty. So...
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  1217 Hits

What Coaching really is

Isn't it interesting that perhaps one of the most powerful processes in the world is so often misunderstood and misrepresented? Often what is provided as coaching is the furthest thing from it. Many persons who run businesses think that their people are "broken", and they need someone, a coach, to come in and "fix' them. Nothing could be further fr...
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  1240 Hits

Do you give confronting feedback?

Recently my girlfriend gave me feedback on my writing, and it didn't go well. Just about everything that we knew about what to do, or not do when giving feedback went wrong, and I felt personally attacked. Funny thing is that we are both trained and experienced in giving and receiving feedback. But it went wrong anyway. Only days before, she recoun...
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  1416 Hits