What Coaching really is

Every-person-carries-the-seed-of-success Monica Rogers-Fletcher - Business Coach/Executive Director John Maxwell Team

Isn't it interesting that perhaps one of the most powerful processes in the world is so often misunderstood and misrepresented? Often what is provided as coaching is the furthest thing from it. Many persons who run businesses think that their people are "broken", and they need someone, a coach, to come in and "fix' them. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While coaching may be one of the current buzzwords, many of us do not fully understand all that it is and all that it isn't. Coaching is not teaching. It is not assuming that someone's knowledge cup is empty and needs to be filled. While this is a very noble profession, and academic development is necessary and important, it is not coaching. Coaching assumes that we are fully resourced to live the life we choose to, and we can develop ourselves in the areas we need to, once we grow in awareness.

Coaching is not mentoring. As valuable as this is, true growth and achievement is not simply about a successful person who has done it before, sharing their experiences with another. You see my friend, because people and circumstances differ, one size may not necessarily fit all. Therefore, the strategy one person may have used with great success may not give another the same results.

Coaching is not counselling or therapy. It is not about the past, though the past is often use to provide context, but about the present and the future. Coaching is not consulting, it is not about telling, advising and providing extrinsic solutions. It is about facilitating discovery, unlocking barriers and looking within thus enabling intrinsic solutions. It is not the final stage before we discipline persons for not performing, it is about helping our people to make conscious choices that serve them and our business and creating in them a willingness to be held accountable for their results.

One of the biggest barriers to success is the knowledge gap. Discovering what prevents our people from doing what they know to do, are able to do but simply won't do is one of the biggest keys to improved performance and success. Often our people know something intellectually but are disconnected emotionally and therefore not driven to do it.

A true coach helps you to uncover what you really want, the dream that your existence is based on, your purpose, why you are here and what you have been completely resourced to achieve. A coach helps you to take responsibility for our lives and results, increase your levels of awareness and become more willing to be held accountable for what you achieve. It is not about telling, not about disciplining. It's about exploration, discovery and creation. I am a professional coach and this is how I do it. If you wish to get the best out of your people when you run your business and as they live their lives, I can help and I am just a click or email away.


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