Eliminate Back-to-School hassles with TTschoolpal

Online shopping comes to the rescue of parents dreading traffic, out-of-stock, and high-prices for all the books and supplies their children need.TTschoolpal is an innovative _local_ business that promises to solve a major pain point for parents preparing to send their kids back-to-school: the cost in time, money, and aggravation of procuring eithe...
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  1895 Hits

Why you may not be saving money at Pricesmart

From the moment they opened, Trinis have been flocking to Pricesmart eager to shop American style without going through Piarco. No wonder, Pricesmart offers members-only snob appeal plus savings. But many Pricesmart customers may not be saving anywhere near what they could at Pricesmart—worse, they may be losing money.  Consider...
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  1292 Hits

Our Pandemic Finish Line

Imagine running a marathon with no finish line. That's what living through this pandemic feels like. And after enduring all the pain and sacrifices for over a year, not only is there no end in sight, but things are getting worse. There is a difference between managing and leading, and so far the govt has been doing the best they can to manage this ...
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  2559 Hits

Locals Making it Big in International Jazz

April 30, 2021, is International Jazz day and for all you jazz lovers it's good to know that some of our fellow citizens are making a big impact on the world stage. Courtesy of Nigel Campbell, our local go-to on jazz —especially Caribbean jazz— here are a few Trini-rooted jazz artists who are making it big on the international jazz scene....
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  1417 Hits

Trini podcasts you should listen to

If you're not already listening to podcasts, here's the rationale for starting, and below you'll find a short list of Trini podcasters you can try.  What is a podcast?  Think of radio —it's audio only — but each "broadcast" is recorded as an episode, and you can listen to any episode whenever you like. Anyone...
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  2144 Hits

The Secret to a good Valentine's Gift

Valentine's day is coming up and Covid is no excuse for letting it pass by. Guys that would be trouble. You can still do the normal Hallmark card, flowers, and or dinner reservation, but the dinner reservation may not be the same with Covid restrictions especially since you can't even have a glass of wine. So here are three things to...
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  1124 Hits

Congratulations to our WIN FIVE winner!

 Miguel Ramnanan of Sangre won our WIN FIVE 2020.   He is pictured here with his winnings.  The WIN FIVE was a random giveaway from goodtalkTnT to anyone who answered a question about goodtalkTnT.  Extra entries were awarded for each social media follow and like.    The Prize was $500TT and was open to any legal reside...
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  1867 Hits

Announcing: The goodtalk WEEKLY WIN!

 Beginning this week, for a limited time, we're rewarding our community with a chance to win a prize from a local business. To win, just like/follow us on social media, or if you've already done that, just share something from the site e.g. a deal, a contest or a poll. The contest begins every Monday and runs through the following Sunday ...
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  1335 Hits