If your party lost, then very likely you're deeply disappointed or worse. To help make the disappointment easier to live with, here are some tips to help you cope and keep us all moving forward even with a Government you didn't vote for.
Take some distance from what just occurred and be grateful that we live in a place where our elections are free, fair and PEACEFUL. There are a lot of negative things you could say about TnT, but democracy is one thing we do very well. Recount requests aside, our political parties accept the results and governments change peacefully. That's something we can be proud of.
Despite the "evidence", believing the worst in people tends to bring it out in them. Instead, try believing that they are doing the best they can and need your help and support. You might happily find that they are more helpful, productive and willing to change when you stop making them feel stupid or criminal. You would wish the same support for your party if they won.
The government can't do everything, and in the end it comes down to the people on the ground to make change happen. Look for local leaders who need help, not necessarily with money but with your time and attention. There are many social and community programs that are helping disadvantaged people to better cope and increase their capacities to be helpful happy and contributing citizens. Look to see which ones interest you and ask how you can help.
Stay hopeful my friend.
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