Let's Make TnT great again. You know where I got that from. But if you listen to the old folks there is a feeling that we've lost something. There was a time when we felt safe in our homes, when we respected our elders, our teachers, and we had a freedom here that we missed when we lived away. Not so much now. Today, where we go, when we go, even if we go depends on traffic, crime, and rain; and many of us worry about the future; spending our days in some degree of stress, frustration, anger, even rage.
Well, you have a choice in how you respond, and I'd like to help you choose. Every week for the next few weeks I'll share something for you to think about, something that might make you feel better now, and more optimistic about the future. Something that might make a difference in Trinidad & Tobago, especially if more of us tried.
You don't have to agree with me; just share what works and ignore what doesn't. And of course don't forget to check out the deals on goodtalktnt dot com. The more people who sign-up, the more money-saving deals we can get for you. And I bet that will help you feel great again.